UPDATE: 2/13/2012
The Winchester/Browning BPCR’s come with about a 5 pound trigger pull which I found too heavy. Lee Shaver Gunsmithing offers a trigger job for $35 which will result in a 1.5-2lb pull. The sear is stoned to a new angle and a lighter trigger spring is supplied. I disassembled my rifle and mailed off the trigger and check to Lee, he received it on a Friday and must have done the work and mailed it out the same day because I received my trigger back on the following Monday. So he had it and returned it to my doorstep in two working days, one of which was a Saturday. Pretty impressive.
So here’s a pictorial explanation of how to perform the upgrade.
Tools: Along with your normal gunsmithing tool set you will need a 8″ or longer flat blade screwdriver with at least a 5/16 head. I used a Craftsman #41852 with a 3/8″ blade and it worked perfectly and did not bugger up the screw. You may also need a small punch. I used a blunted finish nail but to be honest one could use a ball point pen as the pin is not a press fit.
First, remove any tang mounted sight. You will have to remove one screw from the tang. When the stock is removed you can screw this screw back into the stock insert so it doesn’t get lost.
Next you can remove the butt plate. These screws are wood screws and screw directly into the wood stock.
Using the 8″ flat blade driver, insert it into the hole in the butt of the gun being careful to insure that you get the blade in the slot and not wedged between the screw and the hole in the butt or you may split the stock. Turn counterclockwise (lefty loosy :)) and unscrew the bolt. It does not take a lot of force to break the screw free.
Here’s the removed bolt. With both this and the tang screw removed the stock can be removed.
Now the good stuff.. All you need to do is remove the trigger pin and pull out the trigger. Use a small pin, nail or even a pen to push the pin out. It is a loose fit. Grasp and wiggle the trigger while pushing the pin and it will push right out. Then grab the pin with your fingers and pull it out completely.
Once the pin is out you can pull the trigger right out of the mechanism. There is a coil spring which sits around the adjuster screw, remove that as well and save it. You will get a new spring when Lee Shaver returns your trigger which you will insert and use.
In the picture above you see the trigger, trigger pin, original coil spring (black, thick coil) and the new lighter coil from Lee Shaver. If you decide that the trigger is too light after you get it back you can use the OEM trigger spring and bump the pull up about a pound.
Upon reassembly, install the new coil over the trigger adjuster screw and then insert the trigger into it’s location and insert the trigger pin.
The new Lee Shaver worked trigger and trigger spring are now installed and we’re ready to reinstall the stock. To install the stock just reverse what we did to remove it. This whole operation is very simple and removing the trigger, and then reinstalling takes all of 10 minutes each.
I measured the trigger pull and it is just about 2 pounds and the release is nice and crisp. I’m a happy camper.
Later that same day…
I did get to shoot at the 80 yard target off hand just before dusk. The trigger certainly makes hitting the target whilst the barrel is sweeping through it a lot easier. I was a tiny bit out of breath from running to get everything set up before it got too dark and I still hit the black (albeit a large black) 4 out of 4 times. I’m happy with the way the trigger feels.
Thank you for the article. I followed your instructions, sent trigger, and like you said it was returned quickly and trigger pull is awesome. Much better. Thanks again.
Read my post on Break-in, there is the procedure there for breakin. I shoot only black powder but I broke in the barrel using jacketed smokeless rounds, which is actually the preferred method prescribed by the barrel manufacturer.
I did some shopping around and decided to go with Lee Shaver sights and also had Lee do the trigger work. As the post above states the trigger work was really quick and painless. The sights while I’ve not used them out further than 200 yards are very well made and I’d purchase them again.
Enjoy the smoke!
i have a 1885 just like yours. I bought it new from Cabela’s. I have not shot the gun at all. I need to know what I should do as for breaking the barrel. I am partial to shooting smokeless in it. But I will shoot mainly blackpowder with it. So should it matter if I break it in with Smokeless? Next, I am looking for set of good sights. Can you refer me to someone please? Who did your trigger work?