Update 12/28/11:
I’m having some problems chambering the rounds I’m making. I am not sure if it is because of fouling, bullet, or COAL. I did get to shoot some rounds today at 80yards which is about the longest I can do in my back yard. The day was cold, windy and dark. The target on the below is 6 shots of 65gr of KIK 2f, compressed about .140 with an over powder card, Winchester Large Pistol Primer seated with copy paper, new, sized W-W brass and Lyman Postell bullet….blowing between shots. I’m pretty happy with this mostly because I am just learning how to shoot and have maybe 25 rounds under my belt. I’m pretty sure the two hits to the upper right have more to do with me pulling the rifle than the gun or the load.
This next target is with 67gr of powder compressed about .180. At this point my hands were cold from fighting with thw bullets and trying to get them to chamber so I quit after 3. Again I’m pretty happy cuz I was on the black even with everything else going on.